Dr. sc. Davorka Moslavac Forjan is the coordinator of CROBOHUB DIH, which develops Croatian robot innovation ecosystem (with more than 30 partners: small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies, government agencies, Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Zagreb Innovation Centre, incubators, etc.). She is part of the team that prepared more than 12 H2020 IA/Digital Europe project applications, 8 of which were selected for funding, raising over €1 million for ICENT/CROBOHUB as a project partner. She is also experienced in H2020 cascade financing, participating directly as a beneficiary (HORSE project: CROBOHUB, ENDORSE) or indirectly as a project partner (L4MS, DIH2, KITT4SME projects). She is the key person in ICENT for the implementation of the European DIH CROBOHUB++ project.